Even more on Katrina
I really appreciate Ted’s offer over at CT to motivate/thank people for donating to relief agencies. I encourage everyone to donate what they can. In case the suggested $100 is too much for some, I thought I’d offer an incentive/thank you for smaller donations. If you give $35 to the Katrina fund of a relief agency then I will send you (restricted to US addresses*, I’m afraid) a copy of my parents’ book Symmetry, a Unifying Concept. It’s a nice book filled with hundreds of wonderful pictures. I will also add a unique thank-you card not available in stores.:)
If you would like both a CD from Ted and the book then why not donate at least $135?
Send me a note at katrina05@eszter.com letting me know that you made the donation and when. Be sure to include your mailing address.
Offer ends when I run out of books. I’ll update this post when/if that happens.
*If you live outside the US and make a donation, I can send a book on your behalf to a US address you specify (gift for a friend?).