links for 2010-06-15
Tuesday, June 15th, 2010-
(IHE) discusses different types of writing groups
Since delicious has decided not to play nice with my blog again (that is, post automatic updates), here it goes manually.
Reading Twitter in Tehran (Washington Post) op-ed piece by Berkmanites John Palfrey, Bruce Etling and Rob Faris “Why Twitter Won’t Bring Revolution to Iran”
Postlets “real estate marketing for Web 2.0”
Iowa teen is the latest texting champion (MSNBC)
Pixar grants girl’s dying wish with home viewing of ‘Up’ (OCRegister) – “Company sent DVD so Huntington Beach girl, 10, could watch it”
Internet and Broadband Adoption over time Pew graphic
Academic Earth “video lectures from the world’s top scholars”
How to lose your job in 140 characters or less (The Brand Builder blog)
Unemployed workers are finding more jobs through social networking sites (CNN Money)
U.S. State Department Speaks to Twitter over Iran (Reuters)
An interrupting culture – The Economist’s and its readers take on my post about seminar cultures